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Partnerships with parents, guardians, and ​families are vital to create social and environmental support for youth and reduce tobacco use in the community. ​​​​

Guiding Frameworks and Toolkits for Engagement​​​

Family engagement strategies involve building relationships with families, providing them with a coordinated system of resources, and working together to support student outcomes.

The National Network of Partnership Schools (NNPS) has identified the following Six Keys to Successful Partnerships:

  1. Six Keys to Successful PartnershipsParenting - Assist families with parenting skills and setting home conditions to support children as students. Also, assist schools to better understand families.
    • Consider hosting educational workshops that discuss protective factors and parenting techniques to prevent youth tobacco use.

  2. Communicating - Conduct effective communications from school-to-home and from home-to-school about school programs and student progress.
    • Consider how updates about tobacco-free policies, TUPE activities and cessation resources are shared with families, including opportunities like Open House and Back to School Night.

  3. Volunteering - Organize volunteers and audiences to support the school and students. Provide volunteer opportunities in various locations and at various times.
    • Consider incorporating opportunities for families to contribute their time and expertise in TUPE-related youth development projects.

  4. Learning at Home - Involve families with their children on homework and other curriculum-related activities and decisions.
    • Consider incorporating take-home materials into prevention curricula to encourage families to connect with and reinforce the lessons.

  5. Decision Making - Include families as participants in school decisions, and develop parent leaders and representatives.
    • Consider including parents and families in TUPE Advisory Groups, consulting leadership groups like PTAs and DELACS, and incorporating parent and family feedback into TUPE planning processes.

  6. Collaborating with the Community - Coordinate resources and services from the community for families, students, and the school, and provide services to the community.
    • ​Consider mapping out local resources that support cessation, counseling, and other services, providing referrals for families, and hosting resource fairs.

In all of the above strategies, ensure that the needs of the underrepresented student and family groups are considered and that health disparity groups have opportunities to participate. 

In addition to the Six Keys to Successful Partnerships, the California Department of Education (CDE) has developed the Family Engagement Toolkit: Continuous Improvement through an Equity Lens​. The toolkit provides ​information about laying the foundation and strategies for effective family engagement.​​​

​Family Education Resources

Parents, guardians, and families hold a significant amount of influence over their children, and it is important to provide them with the information and strategies they need to effectively talk to their children about vaping.

The US Surgeon General has resources and guides for parents and families about the components of e-cigarettes, the prevalence of use among youth, and ​the harmful effects of vaping.  

Know the Risks Logo

CATCH My Breath has a collection of parent resources, including a presentation and educational materials specifically designed for parents and families to stay informed.  These resources are also available en Español​.​

Learn More​​​
CATCH My Breath Logo

The American Lung Association (ALA) developed an article called: "How to Talk to Your Kids About Vaping." It shares information about how households can begin ​conversations with youth about smoking and vaping, and ways to establish a smoke-free home.

American Lung Association​​